Development of this planet has flourished as the companies and individuals that build it provide more opportunities for an ever-growing population. A longing for convenience led to the emergence of specialized industries generations ago, and the planetary focus remains the same today.

Living Beneath Our World's Waters

Phenomenal advancements have resulted from brilliant minds reaching to quench this insatiable thirst for convenience. Quantum leaps in the level of technology available have pervaded all major industries, and the rate of development on Earth is accelerating across the board.

Grand achievements in architecture can be found across the planet as testimonials to the accomplishment of modern designers and engineers. All one needs to do is gaze upon Dubai to see this truth. With its tallest building towering over a half of a mile high and allowing one to view the curvature of the earth, sections of the entire city serve as a structural monument perched on land dredged from underneath the sea.

Such magnificent development has taken its toll on this planet. Natural resources are becoming less plentiful and more expensive to acquire, and environmental concerns are making business more complicated in several of the largest industries. Land is at a premium, yet humanity is left dreaming of a life independent of it.

The quests to commercialize Outer Space Travel and the vision of underwater development have followed a very similar course over the years. Exploration by well-funded governmental programs into both unknown realms last century culminated in Man’s walk on the moon and a submarine reaching the deepest point of all of these oceans.

Private companies have taken the reigns in pursuit of the dream of off-land development. Entrepreneurs have attracted hundreds of millions of dollars of investment with the hopes of achieving tourism around the solar system. Early commercial, reusable rockets have now docked with the International Space Station, and multiple space station prototypes currently orbit this planet.

A private underwater exploration team produced a submersible that revisited the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench in 2012 for the first time in over 50 years; however, the craft has little commercial value and was retired to a museum after its moment of glory.

Numerous groups represent future concepts of underwater habitats and submarines, but only a few small, underwater complexes exist for adventurers to travel beneath the waters. Recent discoveries of a variety of commercial-grade ore deposits and a plethora of new species of life on the bottom have reinvigorated aspirations of a future underwater.

The sharpest contrast between the way that Mankind has explored outer space and the ocean depths shows itself by the budget afforded to do each. A fascination with the heavens combined with far less of a pressure differential in atmosphere has greatly slanted investment dollars in favor of Outer Space Travel. In fact, the annual budget for NASA could have funded the budget for NOAA, its equivalent to explore the waters, for over 1600 years!

Whether in Outer Space or Inner Space, the systems devised by the world’s engineers to maintain a livable atmosphere within a confined space for its occupants have matured to great heights. The International Space Station has been occupied 230 miles above Earth for over 15 years, and dive times for nuclear submarines operated by various military powers are limited only by the amount of food on board for the crew.

Such advancements represent so many possibilities for those groups enlisted in the mission of developing outer space and beneath the world’s waters. Success in these endeavors offers a change in planetary focus away from convenience toward a new era of abundance. The zero-sum game showing itself on the horizon could serve as a catalyst for change to an alternative not limited by land resources or even by land itself.

A single barrier exists between today’s paradigm and this alternative reality. The structures used to build this planet have not kept pace with the systems that give them life. The successes of NASA’s manned missions and occupation of space stations has broken the barrier to Outer Space, yet civilization is not expanding there. The submerged wizardry of a nuclear submarine is still contained within the same steel canister concept that has been eaten away by rust since prior to WWII, so new directions in development of the world’s waters have been stifled.

Large corporations and wealthy visionaries dreaming of outer space are searching for a structural hull that is light enough to be transported by these new rockets, strong and rigid enough to hold its form, and designed as a building block to assemble modular sections in orbit. The structures will be experiencing about one atmosphere of pressure difference to the surrounding environment, so they may assemble large structures if sufficient hull materials can be transported to site. With life support and rocket designs progressing rapidly, the limiting factor for commercialization of outer space is the transportation of the hulls and components to location.

Underwater development carries with it a much different challenge for these engineers. The livable atmosphere for the occupants of a structure or craft underwater must be maintained by withstanding a much more significant pressure differential. The average depth of the ocean tries to crush this air bubble with 380 times the pressure of the surface at over 5,000 psi!

In addition to the extreme pressures, designers looking to enter Inner Space must contend with buoyancy. The air providing a livable atmosphere for the occupants is always trying to rise due to its displacement of the weight of the water that would otherwise be present. Structures must be weighted against an upward force that is relentlessly trying to tear it free and send it to the surface. The buoyancy of these structures can quickly add up to thousands of tons of pressure as size increases.

The challenge for designers underwater is dealing with this pressure differential and buoyancy of the structures, and the result is a smaller and smaller area of livable space until the structure is not practical, or even possible. As another attempt at a solution, the world selects stronger and heavier materials to stand against this pressure and keep the crafts submerged.

The wonderful metal of steel is subjected to marine use for which it is certainly not well-suited. Even if structures could be added to the depths, a system to pull them out and take them to dry docks for regularly-scheduled maintenance on the steel hulls seems overwhelming.

With life support, propulsion and energy challenges well on their way to being solved, the intelligence present in this industrial machine must empower the catalyst of imagination to adopt a new concept in Structural Hull Technology.

Global Oceanic Designs has adopted this bold mission. First, we searched for an alternative building material for hulls that do not begin rusting before the crafts would even leave the docks. Then, significant time and effort were spent exploring other building techniques that could be possible with the use of these different materials. The team believed that a more easily-manufactured hull without the welding and custom working of steel, spherical parts must exist!

After extensive research and development, Global Oceanic embarked on a journey to create the best 2-man/4-man submersible vehicle on the planet to demonstrate its findings. With a clear hull and flat sides resulting in no distortion of view for passengers, the Company saw great value for an existing player in the tourism industry. The ability to customize the hull with manipulator arms or lift baskets makes sense for industrial/commercial applications.

Huge innovations already born from the genius of those in these industries allow extended life support and battery packages for exploration voyagers. The hull would be designed for a much longer life of low-maintenance operation, and those already designing submersible vehicles would be implored to reach for their imaginations in creating a myriad of other applications.

The Global team designed what was named Crystal Quest IV and started construction at the Development Facility in Willis, TX. As the first Bi-Pyramidal Structural Hull ready to be converted to a manned submersible vehicle, it represented a bright future for the Company and offered many potential solutions to the submersible hull market.

Global’s already extensive research intensified during the Crystal Quest IV Hull construction. As it neared completion, the team was compelled to pause by a series of extraordinary discoveries so profound that a significant change in direction was warranted.

Global Oceanic has since devised a proprietary system of construction techniques and infrastructure design methods that, when combined with the new acrylics of today overcome the hydro-static pressure and buoyancy barriers that have kept humanity from developing the worlds waters in any truly meaningful way. The goal of the company is to build a concept in scale of the world’s first rust-free, 21st Century Underwater City.

Rather than offer separate solutions to issues facing the current infrastructure focus, Global seeks to interface all of these solutions together in a single development to provide a new focus in structural design. In this new concept, cities will last for hundreds, if not thousands of years and function independently of the land. Those seeking opportunities to develop the natural resources, tourism potential, and premium real estate beneath, on and above the world’s waters will be offered designs that make it all possible.

Demonstrations of new systems for transportation, agriculture, mining, tourism, shipping, pumping and energy will all interact in a Sustainable City that runs simply off of the interaction of Air and Water. The properties of buoyancy and displacement are always in play in a dance of processes that provide all that the city would require for an abundant existence.

A display of a variety of structures and their connections and interactions will be constructed in Global’s WaveTank in Willis, TX. The models will demonstrate advancements in structural design that not only withstand the pressure to maintain gas pockets at depth, but also rest near neutral buoyancy in water to decrease buoyancy complications.

Global anticipates a cost of $5 million to build a scale model of this acrylic underwater city in a 600-foot-long, 40-foot-wide, 16-foot-deep tank planned to be completed in 2019. Each individual component will be certified to scale by the most reputable third parties in the same manner as all other structures that enter the water today. The models will be subjected to a series of hydro-static pressure tests to simulate given depths in order to verify each structure’s ability to withstand the external pressure.

It is the vision and determined focus of Global Oceanic Designs to assist in the creation of the world’s first Underwater City. Global is convinced that the presentation of new concepts for development to those already building the infrastructure of this planet can serve as the imaginative spark to engage these brilliant minds in a new direction.

Like the transition from the Stone Age through the Bronze Age to the Iron Age, humanity currently stands at the precipice of its next step in evolution. It has the opportunity to enter the Age of Acrylic and step off beneath the world’s waters!