Invention Timeline

The infrastructure renovation started with the patented Bi- and Tri-Pyramidal Structural Hulls. Mr. Welch rejected the current architectural tendencies based on the strength of building materials alone. He considers them unsafe and wasteful of precious resources; therefore, he devised his structural hulls to provide the world with a modular, scalable design that would maintain its strength in any configuration. He immediately perceived them withstanding significant internal and external pressures in a variety of applications ranging from underwater submarines to space stations. All of the structural designs represent a manufacturer’s dream scenario with the Bi-Pyramidal and Tri-Pyramidal Hulls being composed of entirely flat stock material.

The next major invention manifested in the form of the Air and Water Energy Recovery Device (AWERD). He intended this machine to recover the energy present in gas rising to the surface after being expelled from the underwater cities made possible by his structural hulls. The addition of the AWERD motors to one of these cities would satisfy all of its electricity requirements and isolate inbound air as the only input necessary for a fully-sustainable underwater city.

The prototypes that he and his team created surpassed all expectations, and the AWERD proved to be the most efficient and scalable air-driven motor on the planet. We’ve has identified multiple ancillary applications in addition to powering underwater cities including natural gas line pressure reduction that results in electricity as a byproduct.

The SEADOG was the next technology designed and developed by Mr. Welch. Its creation was based around the idea of providing pressurized air to the underwater cities using the naturally-occurring, free energy source presented by ocean waves. The prototype was performing beautifully in its exhaustive testing when We discovered that a minor modification to the pump induced it to start pumping water.

The pump was tested internally for effectiveness of its newly-discovered ability to pump water until the crew was satisfied with a predictable, repeatable outcome. At this stage of development, Texas A&M was commissioned to do the first independent study of the SEADOG pump.

The prototype was placed in their sophisticated wave tank that sent an intermittent twenty-seven inch wave down its length. The pump produced the exact amount of water in the “bucket test” as predicted by Mr. Welch’s calculations and was proven to cause absolutely no wave degradation.

The significance of the device causing no destruction to the wave height and form cannot be overstated as it allows for the pumps to be in rows along the coast where each row inland is met with the same wave.

Plus, the SEADOG operated without disturbing the natural path of the waves to avoid environmental concerns associated with changing a coastal environment.

The test at Texas A&M wave tank created ample excitement to earn the SEADOG Pump its first ocean trial. The same buoyancy block was attached to the patented cage design and placed off of the jetty at Freeport, Texas. As one of the largest ports in the country, the surrounding community paid attention as Mr. Welch and his crew dared the elements to take daily measurements and inspect the instrumentation. The pump performed continuously for 21 days as a magnificent glimpse into the future of wave technology.

In fact, the testing culminated in the first “bucket test” in a natural environment. A jack-up boat was rented, and Mr. Welch and company were overflowing with excitement. Ironically, the seas quieted to six inches of wave height during the 48-hour window in which testing could occur.

Remarkably, the SEADOG Pump functioned well despite the lack of stroke length in the pistons due to the minimal wave height. It pumped the sea water up the 3 inch flex line to fill the 55 gallon drum hanging 118 feet above water level to the amazement of the jack-up boat crew. The captain proclaimed that the 60-foot vessel did not hold a diesel or electric pump capable of such a feat.

As an added visual display of the future plans for the SEADOG, the water was released from the suspended drum through the line to a pelton-wheel turbine on the deck of the jack-up boat suspended 90 feet above the waves. Water splashed as the turbine converted the energy into usable electricity to light the first light bulbs by the SEADOG using ocean waves.

Any notable environmental impact prediction of large-scale SEADOG installations came back with positive reports such as the creation of artificial reef structures that provide breeding grounds for a variety of local species of wildlife.

The media drum had begun to beat as national networks started to run the SEADOG Pump story. Articles appeared in notable publications such as Popular Mechanics, Ocean Engineering Magazine, and the Houston Chronicle.

Television programs such as Fox News would not be left out of the mix, and an entire circuit of radio interview requests from organizations such as WCCO in Minneapolis, Minnesota flooded the representatives of the SEADOG.

The location of the grand unveiling of the capabilities of the SEADOG Pump generated much debate, but Mr. Welch decided on Galveston, TX.

Dr. Frank Warnakulasuriya of Texas A&M University was chosen to lead the independent study of the second ocean trial. He and his team attached a number of sensors and monitors to record pressures achieved and volumes of water pumped.

We were given permission to place the same SEADOG Pump one thousand feet off of the historic Galveston Pier. It shot water up into the air through a one-way check valve with the passing of each wave and drew the curiosity of everyone along the beach.

The SEADOG Pump was the talk of the town by the end of that summer, and the testing crew enjoyed the attention from the community while residing in style at the Hotel Galvez on the seawall. The group was known for a collective “SEADOG” cry that would often be bellowed before leaving a local establishment. The restaurant and bar patrons would nearly always respond in kind to show support and have some fun with Mr. Welch and the crew.

After the successful testing, the SEADOG Pump prototype was proudly displayed for over six months in the parking lot of the Hotel Galvez as a commercial-ready alternative to fossil fuels. When the 90-day ocean trial was complete, Dr. Warnakulasuriya and Texas A&M University fully endorsed the SEADOG as the most efficient wave-energy converter on the market.

By the same methodology, it could be concluded that the SEADOG can pump both liquids and gases at nearly any volumes and pressures to be connected to end-user applications. Such applications could include a turbine for electrical generation, a reverse-osmosis membrane for water desalination or a series of long-distance fluid lines to be powered by the incremental push generated by the waves flowing through the SEADOG Pump.

The next piece of the puzzle to be invented by Mr. Welch was the WHALE Generator. The WHALE was designed to be placed within the mass water systems in the underwater cities to recover the majority of the energy required to pump them.

The WHALE Generator’s future was not solely dependent upon the implementation of the underwater cities of the future. It stands alone as a viable and marketable product in the renewable energy space. When placed in a river or existing system of flowing water, this machine efficiently produces electricity by riding along with the natural path of the current.

Throughout his career as an inventor, Kenneth W. Welch, Jr. had always contemplated ways to enhance the abilities of the fulcrum bar that had been established and recorded in the time of Archimedes. He spent countless hours in the lab attempting to replicate the image that he held in his mind. For twenty years, the machine capable of performing this illusive act evaded him.

Eventually, the stars aligned to allow Mr. Welch to realize his vision in the physical form when he and William P. Forster went to work on a machine to maximize smaller wave regimes.

The SEADOG Pump appeared to be destined for the small waves of the Gulf of Mexico off of the coast of Texas for its first commercial deployment. Smaller waves meant more machines per area and increased costs, and Mr. Welch and Mr. Forster understood that economics would ultimately drive the implementation of the SEADOG Pumps.

The result of the research was the invention both of the Two-Stroke Hydro Piston Magnetic Fulcrum Motor and the Magnetic Fulcrum Water Displacement Pond Pounder. Both are patented technologies that have been through multiple prototypes to display their effectiveness and scalability. They utilize the properties of leverage, displacement, buoyancy and magnetism to amplify the effect of the input force.

The Magnetic Fulcrum Motor was invented as the solution to the smaller wave regime issue in the Gulf of Mexico. It essentially adds the fulcrum device to amplify the efficiency of the SEADOG Pump when using a shorter piston stroke length. It can be used to pressurize any fluid or gas and will be a key part of the suite of technologies that Mr. Welch will integrate into the infrastructure for his future city designs.

The Pond Pounder uses the same enhancement of the fulcrum device to magnify the input of an actuator that is attached to the long arm of the fulcrum bar. The shorter side of the bar is connected to a displacement block that is partially submerged in water. The vertical movements of the actuator sink and raise the displacement block to create and sustain a designated wave pattern within a bulk-headed pool.

The Texas coastline presented one more challenge for the deployment of the first commercial SEADOG Pump. The lack of natural elevation would require an elevated holding tank or water tower to be constructed. The water was to be accumulated and dropped down to a pelton-wheel turbine to produce electricity. Mr. Welch engineered around this cost yet again by inventing the Artificial Head.

Artificial Head was created using an acrylic pressure vessel that was half-filled with water. The other half was pressurized to a specific pressure to form a gas cap over the water. The intermittent bursts of fluid that entered the artificial head box from the SEADOG Pumps or Magnetic Fulcrum motors exited as a constant stream at the same pressure. The patented Artificial Head takes the place of a water tower by converting the intermittent water flows into a constant stream while maintaining the same pressure in the lines.

In addition to his impressive resume as an inventor, Kenneth W. Welch, Jr. has enjoyed a successful entrepreneurial career. He has started dozens of companies in the areas of tourism, alternative energy and marketing. His technology sale has earned him millions over the years.

Resort Attractions, one of Mr. Welch’s current companies, related to water attractions, has been instrumental in the success of Global Oceanic Designs by providing resources and early financial support.

Mr. Welch’s reputation as a marketer was taken to the world stage when he created Video Vacations which was the first nation-wide, hour-long marketing television program. He used this stage to introduce the infomercial that the world uses today.

Pioneering in the development of tourism-related services led Mr. Welch to building Intercontinental Travel Services (ITS). ITS started as an internet-based travel marketing company and grew to include a Global Travel Billboard Directory and Travel Radio Channel. Several major airlines, cruise lines, resorts, and hotel chains were rocked by the influx of traffic created by this system. Mr. Welch’s involvement with ITS brought together nearly all of the world’s tourism boards to form a company of nations.